Why is God not a created entity? How can God listen to all our prayers at the same time? How can God be both singular and plural? How can God foreknow and predestinate and yet grant us free will? How can Jesus in just 6–9 hours on the cross atone for all the evil that all of humanity has committed? Dr. Hugh Ross will share what science has learned about trans- and extra-dimensions helps explain these and other paradoxical doctrines people encounter in Scripture and provides us with a powerful tool for establishing that the Bible alone is the inspired, inerrant written Word of God.
Many people have come to regard modern science as the most reliable source of information about the world. In these people’s minds, notions such as God and miracles cannot withstand the scrutiny of modern science. Dr. Richard G. Howe examines the case that certain atheist scientists have made against the reality of God and miracles, and shows how this case fails.
Many in our world believe that religious faith is like a delusion, a fairy-tale, a wish-fulfillment or some other questionable epistemic perspective. Dr. Tim Yoder will attempt to show that faith is necessary in our world, and, in fact, all people require both faith and reason.
Dr. Sten-Erik Armitage examines our post-COVID age where we have been launched into a world defined by Zoom meetings, work-from-home realities, and even digital church. There is something profoundly theological about the Incarnation. Our everyday lives are losing their sense of place, time, and even embodiment. What are the unintended consequences of pursuing the digital over the embodied and losing sight of what it is to embrace "life together?"